Oxfordshire walks - Elderflower

Whilst out walking in Oxfordshire’s beautiful countryside, why not pick some creamy elderflowers on your way home and make up some delicious elderflower cordial. Its so easy to make and will taste so much better than shop bought. Drizzle it over ice-cream, add to sparkling water or make a refreshing cocktail with sparkling wine. Or try my favourite - put a generous splash into an ice filled Gin and Tonic and stir. What a way to finish the day after a long walk. Enjoy!

Elderflowers are in flower at the moment and will be around for the next 7 to 10 days. Click onto the Woodland Trust website to find out more about identifying elderflower and some recipes. Have fun!


To get the app and this walk search for 'Oxfordshire Walks' on your app store or follow the links on the Oxfordshire walks web page.

Taking regular exercise outdoors amongst nature is good for both our mental and physical health at this time, but whilst out walking please remember to keep your distance from other walkers to help stop the spread of Coronavirus.


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